ICAS has an exceptionally strong tax team with diverse skills and experience, well placed to work effectively with ICAS members and the tax authorities.
What does the team do?
Main objectives include the delivery of tax support and representation to members, and policy work and liaison with the tax authorities.
Key components of this include:
- Influencing and improving the technical (as distinct from the party political) content of tax legislation through proactive submissions and responses to consultations.
- Liaison with HMRC on practical issues and problems with HMRC systems.
- Working with other professional bodies on matters of joint interest.
- Suggesting strategic tax changes (for example, through letters to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury).
- Representing ICAS at government and HMRC forums and meetings to ensure that members’ views on tax are heard.
- Presenting ICAS webinars about tax developments, consultations or other tax-related matters.
Responses to technical consultations from the Treasury, HMRC and other bodies reflect the views of ICAS committees and individual members. The team reviews draft tax legislation, seeking to ensure that it works effectively and gives input to HMRC on draft legislation and draft guidance, where appropriate. ICAS Tax Staff belong to various HMRC stakeholder groups and hold meetings with appropriate Treasury officials and the tax authorities on policy and operational matters. The team also submits written and oral evidence to Parliamentary inquiries.
Devolution has added a new element to UK tax law and practice in recent years. ICAS is uniquely placed to participate in the new processes and works closely in Edinburgh with the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Constitution Committee, the Scottish Government and Revenue Scotland.
ICAS represents members of all political persuasions and has a public interest remit to act for the wider public good. It therefore avoids taking any party-political stance but seeks to engage with politicians of all parties where this is likely to facilitate improvements in tax law or in the operation of the tax system.
ICAS Tax team members are listed below:
If you have any queries or would like to contact the ICAS Tax team then please get in touch here:
Contact us