The General Practice Manual (GPM) contains helpsheets and guidance issued by ICAS to assist with the day-to-day work carried out by general practices. They offer practical advice, guidance and respond to frequently asked questions, highlighting the issues you may need to consider.
Download ICAS' submissions relating to anti-money laundering to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
The Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (MLRs) require anti-money laundering supervisors, such as ICAS, to publish an annual report setting out how they discharge their supervisory obligations.
The following submission, to the UK Government, has been prepared by the ICAS Tax Board. The Tax Board, with its five technical Committees, is responsible for putting forward the views of the ICAS tax community; it does this with the active input and support of over 60 committee members.
The following documents centre as further resources which aids the delivery of training and workshops within your firm to draw out many money laundering themes.
The following document centres on ICAS' first stand-alone annual report for 2017 on Anti-Money Laundering (AML). This report aims to put forth transparency and key information regarding this area.
The following documents focus on the Money Laundering Regulations 2017, which require all firms to put forth a firm-wide AML risk assessment. ICAS has provided key guidance and information to follow.