HMRC publishes new tax agents’ handbook

6 December 2024

Last updated: 6 December 2024

Chris Campbell
Head of Tax (Tax Practice and Owner Managed Business Taxes), ICAS

We look into HMRC’s new tax agents’ handbook, which gives new guidance to help support tax agents find the information they need when dealing with HMRC.

HMRC has recently introduced a new Tax agents handbook, in an attempt to bring together existing guidance for more easy access by tax agents.

Previously tax agents would need to look at the guidance on HMRC’s tax agents and advisers: detailed information page, but the new Tax agents’ handbook gives you the information you need on agent authorisations, registering for HMRC services, how to contact HMRC, guidance and support in another, possible more accessible format.

The information you can find on the tax agents handbook includes:

  • About agents and HMRC: Giving an overview of the handbook and details of HMRC’s standard for agents.
  • Appeals and penalties: An outline of how the appeals and tribunals process and details of how penalties work.
  • Compliance checks: Information on what happens if your client is selected for a compliance check by HMRC, along with HMRC factsheets and guidelines for compliance that you may find useful.
  • Contacting HMRC: Signposts to information on HMRC’s service levels and forum, along with the contact details for HMRC for routine matters and how to raise complaints when things do not work out as they should.
  • Guidance help: Practical support on the best way to navigate guidance and using search, email alerts, feedback and archives.
  • News and support: Find out about the latest news, toolkits and webinars from HMRC.
  • Services and registering: Details on how to register as an agent, how to update the HMRC services you are registered for and what you need to do if your agent business changes.

Let us know your views

We would be interested to hear your feedback on the new tax agents’ handbook, including how it could be developed or areas where further guidance would be useful. We also welcome your views more generally, which help inform our work on consultations or other tax-related matters. ICAS responds to many tax calls for evidence and consultations, as well as producing tax policy papers and reports. We also regularly attend meetings with HMRC at which service levels, delays and other issues are discussed, and we raise problems being encountered by members.

Please get in touch to share your insights and feedback.

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