Apply for a reasonable adjustment
We recognise that some students/apprentices will require an adjustment to how we provide learning and assessments as a result of a disability, learning difficulty, temporary injury or other cases.
What is a reasonable adjustment?
The Equality Act 2010 requires an awarding body to make reasonable adjustments where a student/apprentice, who is disabled within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010, would be at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to someone who is not disabled undertaking the same course of learning and assessments.
In order to ensure equality of opportunity, we make reasonable adjustments to the process by which competence is assessed. The adjustments made must not provide an unfair advantage over other students taking the same or similar assessments, and must not affect the integrity, reliability or validity of the assessment outcome.
When should I apply?
Reasonable adjustments must be applied for at least 5 working days prior to the course commencement date.
To receive a reasonable adjustment, students must submit an application form on the Advantage platform at least 5 working days before their course begins. Exceptions can be made for those applying for a short term/interim adjustment.
For course delivery:
- Reasonable adjustments must be agreed prior to the course start date, so that the arrangements are in place from the start of the course.
- Where this is not possible, reasonable adjustments can be agreed during the course but will only take effect in the following term.
- In the case of an external training provider delivering your course, reasonable adjustments for course delivery must be applied for directly with your Training Provider. Reasonable adjustments for ICAS assessments must be applied for with ICAS in the usual way.
Please check the attached policy for further details.
What evidence do I need to submit?
You will need to be in possession of the required medical evidence below prior to submitting your application. This evidence must be from a medical professional such as your GP, a medical specialist or consultant, and must be uploaded along with your application in the form of a scan or photograph (jpg, PDF, etc).
For conditions lasting or likely to last 12 months or more the following must be provided from a medical professional:
- Diagnosis confirming the disability.
- Impact of the condition on day to day activities.
- Specific recommendation on the reasonable adjustment requested.
For temporary impairments, in addition to the above, we will require the following:
- The date of diagnosis.
- The prognosis (how long the condition is expected to last, which should cover the date of the planned assessment or examination).
- Specific recommendation on the reasonable adjustment requested.
ICAS acknowledges that due to appointment waiting lists, confirming a diagnosis can take some time and therefore you may not have the medical evidence to attach to your application. However, if students have evidence of being referred for a specific diagnosis by a medical practitioner/occupational health practitioner, but are still awaiting the formal diagnosis, ICAS will take this evidence into account when reviewing your application.
What else should I know about medical evidence?
Additional evidence may be submitted to support your application, such as a Statement of Special Educational Need or Education or Health & Care Plan (EHCP). You can upload multiple documents alongside the application form.
We rely on medical professionals making specific and unambiguous recommendations, however, if further opinion is deemed necessary, we will refer to our independent medical professionals.
How long will my application take to process?
We aim to contact you with the outcome of your application within five working days of receipt.
If you have not received the outcome of your application five working days before your exam, please call us on 0131 347 0100.
How do I manage existing adjustments?
Any previously agreed adjustments will be visible in the portal. You are responsible for checking that these are showing correctly, for monitoring expiry dates and ensuring that reapplications are made within the required time frame.
Before applying
Where do I apply?
All applications must be submitted online through our secure Advantage portal
Our duty under the Equality Act (2010)
We recognise that some students will require reasonable adjustments to how we provide learning and assessment during their learning journey as a result of disabilities or learning difficulties.
This policy explains the context in which this sits and our commitment to students. We aim to ensure that there is equality of opportunity for learning, examination and assessments for all students.
We will assess each application on a case by case basis within the confines of legislation. This is in line with our duty as a further and higher education provider of training and in our role as an awarding body.
This policy is designed to:
provide an assessment and awarding system that supports equality and fairness to our students
maintain the integrity and security of the assessment and examination process
Our definition of ‘student’ includes all individuals accessing our education services including apprentices.
Legal context
The Equality Act (2010) replaces the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and its associated duties. The Equality Act (2010) gives the definition of a disability as follows:
‘A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’ (Equality Act, 2010, Section 6).
Schedule 1 of the Equality Act (2010) provides determination of disability stating the effect of the impairment as long term if:
it has lasted for at least 12 months;
it is likely to last for at least 12 months;
it is likely to last for the rest of the life of the person
We have a duty to make reasonable adjustments where a disabled student experiences a substantial disadvantage in comparison with a non-disabled student when accessing our examinations and assessments.
We have implemented guidance as a qualification body in our role conferring a competence standard and as a further and higher education provider.
Integrity of the CA qualification and apprenticeship end-point assessment
Reasonable adjustments must not affect the integrity, reliability or validity of the assessment outcome.
As an awarding body, we do not make adjustments to the standard of competency required to achieve the CA qualification. We make reasonable adjustments to the process by which competence is assessed to ensure equality of opportunity. The adjustment made must also not provide an unfair advantage over other students taking the same or similar assessments.
Any reasonable adjustment must reflect the usual learning of the working practice of a student in these circumstances. Reasonable adjustments for examinations or assessments will be agreed prior to the examination or assessment and are made to adjust how the qualification is taken, not the outcome.
This allows students with temporary injuries, special educational needs and disabilities to access the assessment without changing the demands of the assessment.
This allows us to meet the needs of the individual student but does not compromise the integrity of the assessment and therefore the CA qualification.
For education delivery excluding examination and assessment processes, reasonable adjustments can be agreed at any time.
What is reasonable adjustment?
A reasonable adjustment may be unique to the individual student and will depend on several factors, which may include:
the needs of the disabled student
the effectiveness of the adjustment
the cost of the adjustment
the likely impact of the adjustment upon the student and other students
An adjustment will not be approved if it is deemed unreasonable, for example:
it involves unreasonable cost
involves unreasonable timescales
affects the security, validity or integrity of the assessment
Who is entitled to a reasonable adjustment?
The Equality Act (2010) defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to perform normal day to day activities.
Examples of individuals who will be considered for a reasonable adjustment:
A permanent physical impairment (e.g. cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis)
A fluctuating or recurring effect (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis)
A progression condition (e.g. HIV infection, cancer or multiple sclerosis)
Behaviour, emotional or social needs (e.g. chronic depression or autism)
A sensory impairment (e.g. visual impairment or hearing impairment)
Specific cognitive difficulties (e.g. dyslexia or memory loss)
Motor difficulties (e.g. hand or eye co-ordination, difficulty moving hands or arms)
There are some conditions that are not included in the definition of a disability under the Equality Act (2010). Examples of these include addiction to alcohol or non-prescription drugs.
What reasonable adjustments are considered acceptable?
Each application for a reasonable adjustment will be required to be submitted by the prescribed deadline, in order to provide us with reasonable time to assess the application and implement the adjustment in advance of the examination or assessment.
Each application will be considered based on the facts and evidence provided by the student, including a review of medical evidence. Each application will be individually considered, and the adjustment provided may vary from individual to individual.
The following adaptations are examples either within examinations, assessments or learning delivery:
Stop-the-clock breaks
Allocation of additional time
A scribe
Adapted assessment materials (e.g. large format, coloured paper)
Rest or time breaks
Support of a reader
Support of a sign language interpreter
Location of the assessment (based upon disability access)
Personal support worker in attendance
This is not an exhaustive list and is designed to give examples, each case will be considered on a case by case basis. It is also important to remember that not all adjustment requests will be deemed as reasonable, practical or permissible. The student may not need, nor be allowed, the same adjustment for all examinations or assessments.
Appeals (examinations and assessments)
By entering the examination or assessment the student is deeming themselves fit to sit the examination or assessment. A special consideration is normally requested by a learner due to circumstances out with their control. A student may ask for a special consideration if the reasonable adjustment that was agreed prior to the examination or assessment did not take place.
This must be highlighted to the invigilator at the time so this can be documented in their report and be taken into consideration.
The decision of the marking panel is final.
If a student encounters an unexpected situation just before the examination or assessment (e.g. family bereavement or emergency) We would ask the student to contact their firm and us at their earliest convenience. We may expect the student to delay their examination or assessment in order to provide the student with the best chances of success.
What do I need to know when applying?
You should apply at the earliest opportunity either at enrolment or at the latest 6 weeks prior to your assessment or exam. If you are unable to complete the form personally then ask us to assist you.
For permanent or long-standing disability, illness or special needs consideration you should advise us when you enrol for an education programme, examination or assessment.
For a temporary disability, illness or indisposition you should advise us of the request at the earliest opportunity but must be made no later than 6 weeks prior to examination or assessment.
Fifteen days prior to examination
For requests based upon temporary disability occurring within the 15 days prior to examination or assessment you should contact us as soon as possible on 0131 347 0100.
Late applications
We are not able to put an adjustment in place in time for any examination or assessment if applications are late. Any applications received after the deadlines set out will not be processed and will be declined.
Application form
Please remember to submit the necessary medical evidence with specific reasonable adjustment recommendation, as outlined, otherwise the application will not be processed.
Each application must be:
Supported by relevant independent evidence from a medical professional such as a specialist or consultant
The medical professional must provide specific recommendations of the adjustments required
Submitted to us by the prescribed deadline
We are not responsible for obtaining medical evidence to support a request for a reasonable adjustment. However, will provide advice on the suitability of the evidence, and where necessary refer to our independent medical professionals for their opinion of the evidence you have provided.
We will decline the application if suitable medical evidence is not provided by the prescribed deadline and does not accept liability if the application and/or evidence is not provided with reasonable notice to implement the adjustment.
Any information provided as part of a claim for a reasonable adjustment will be treated as confidential and the nature of your condition will not be disclosed beyond those who require this in order to fulfil their duties.
If at any time we find that a claim for a reasonable adjustment was fraudulent we will withdraw the award made as a result of the assessment undertaken with reasonable adjustment.
What medical evidence is required?
All medical evidence must be submitted at the time of application as per the timescales outlined and in advance of the examination, assessment or learning activity you are seeking the adjustment for.
Any medical evidence submitted by you must be provided from a suitably qualified general practitioner, medical consultant or specialist.
The medical evidence provided will depend upon the nature of the condition for which an adjustment is being applied for.
For conditions lasting or likely to last 12 months or more the following must be provided from a medical professional:
Diagnosis confirming the disability
Impact of the condition on day to day activities
Specific recommendation on the reasonable adjustment requested
For temporary impairments we will require in addition to the above the following:
The date of diagnosis
The prognosis (how long the condition is expected to last, which should cover the date of the planned assessment or examination)
Specific recommendation on the reasonable adjustment requested
Additional evidence may be submitted to support your application such as a Statement of Special Educational Need or Education or Health & Care Plan (EHCP).
Processing of reasonable adjustment requests
You will be contacted within five working days with the outcome of your application or a request for further information. If we are unable to identify or agree the adjustment we will contact, you in order to resolve the matter. We will keep you informed throughout should this take longer than five working days.
Approval of reasonable adjustment requests
We will confirm in writing what the adjustment will be and how long it will last for (i.e. short term or long term). If you do not receive this communication, around five working days prior to your examination or assessment, you must contact us as a matter of urgency on 0131 347 0100.
Should your circumstances change, or you wish to request a further adjustment you should contact us where you may be required to provide additional medical evidence to support these changes.
Declining a request for a reasonable adjustment
If your request has been declined, we will make you aware of the reasons for doing so in writing.
Right to complain