Discover our Relevant Practical Experience logbook quality review process

29 November 2024

Last updated: 29 November 2024


Learn about our Relevant Practical Experience (RPE) logbook quality reviews

In 2023,  we introduced a new, simplified RPE logbook and simpler processes around it.

Because nobody knows your students and their work better than you, we gave you full control over their logbooks. Now, instead of them sending their logbook to us, final review and sign off is the responsibility of their counselling member.

As part of the new processes this month we’re introducing new quality reviews that will ensure greater accuracy, compliance and offer you an added layer of confidence.

Quality reviews

As explained in our Employer’s Guide to the RPE Logbook, we’ll review logbooks periodically, on a sample basis, and we’ll provide feedback and action points where applicable.

We’ll check things like RPE time, competencies, audit dates (where applicable) and overtime. And we’ll also review reflective statements for accuracy and examples, alongside the reviewer’s / counselling member’s comments and decisions.

These reviews will take place throughout the student training period. And once students have evidenced all their practical experience in the logbook and had the final review signed off by their counselling member, we’ll conduct some final reviews.

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