Host Indy Singh Hothi CA chats to Chair of the Board of Trustees at the Mental Health Foundation Aisha Sheikh-Anene about reconnecting with nature, the importance of communicating and the effect the pandemic has had on mental wellbeing. 

Aisha trained as a CA with the National Audit Office, auditing the UK Government and later the Audit Commission. She now works with the Ford Motor Company within Commercial Vehicle Product Development and Programme Management. Aisha works in a cross-functional team on global regulatory emissions programmes; including electrified powertrain solutions. 

Aisha is an advocate for positive mental health and wellbeing and is currently the chair of the board of trustees at the Mental Health Foundation. Since 1949, the Mental Health Foundation has been the UK’s leading charity for everyone’s mental health. With prevention at the heart of what the organisation does to find and address the sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive. 

Aisha’s involvement with the Mental Health Foundation started in 2016 where she undertook the role of Treasurer. During this time, the organisation had undergone a transformation which has culminated in a renewed vision and strategy for the organisation. 
At the time when Aisha accepted the role of Chair, the world had started to change in response to the global pandemic. 

With mental wellbeing becoming one of the defining topics of the global pandemic, the Mental Health Foundation has been at the forefront of evidence-based research and its priorities within its strategy remain relevant and more important than ever as we transition from a full lockdown over the coming weeks and months. 

Through her work with the Mental Health Foundation, Aisha is a committed to ensuring better mental health for all.

(Published May 2021)

Links to resources discussed in this podcast 

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