The ICAS business start-up guide is a visual and user-friendly publication designed to help aspiring business people on the way to setting up and running a successful company.

Starting a business (a step-by-step guide to starting and financing a new business)

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This ICAS business start-up guide aims to help you consider what advice or mentoring you may need, finding a mentor, preparing a business plan and identify appropriate funding. There are also tips on starting your own business and sources of further guidance.

This is a short and simple guide for those thinking about starting a business. It is not a comprehensive guide for all companies and circumstances.

It provides:

  • A high level overview of what you need to know, based on the experience of those who have done it themselves
  • Top tips and practical advice from ICAS Chartered Accountants who are successful entrepreneurs, including what helped them get their idea off the 
  • Advice from investors and business angels who help to fund and advise new and growing businesses
  • Links to further information on the internet.