Here you’ll find links to a range of additional resources designed to help you deal with: 

  • Issues related to mental and physical health 
  • Grief and 

  • Financial concerns. 

If you are feeling unwell, overwhelmed or stressed, please remember that your employer should be able to offer help and advice and have measures and resources in place to support you.  

Please make sure to speak to your manager or company HR department in the first instance to understand what resources are available to you. 

We would also encourage you to speak to your GP, doctor or health practitioner, who will be able to offer professional advice and direct you toward local, specialist services. 

Bereavement support

Dealing with the death of someone close to you can be difficult and worrying. You may need practical advice to help you cope or someone to talk to about how you feel. If you think you might need extra support, your first step could be to see your GP – or another health professional you feel comfortable with – and tell them how you're feeling.