Volunteer on an ICAS board, committee or panel

Volunteering your time can be a great way to add new insights, skills and expertise to your portfolio and can enable you to grow your network and give something back to the profession. You’ll also be playing an active role in shaping the future of both ICAS and the CA profession.

You can be based anywhere, as most meetings take place virtually. Many roles are suitable for those early in their careers, not just for the more experienced. Meetings typically last between 2-4 hours and occur three to four times per year.

ICAS is governed by Council, which delegates certain responsibilities to a range of boards and committees whose remit covers governance and operations, qualifications, ethics and policy leadership. In addition, our specialist panels and boards consider matters such as taxation, pensions and charities.

Latest positions currently open for application:

If you can't find a role that suits you, please email us to register your interest. We will then notify you when a suitable opportunity becomes available.

Register your interest

"Being on Members Board has given me an opportunity to influence ICAS’ priorities, contribute my own ideas and have a direct influence on the experiences of the entire ICAS membership."

Sobhan Afzal CA

Other ways to get involved . . . 

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