Read our strategy to take us to 2030. Together we will . . . deliver greater value, empower each other and be a force for good.

ICAS Strategy 2030

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ICAS is transforming.

We’re setting out an ambitious strategy to create a bold future. The strategy was developed to grow our membership base and enable us to prosper as a professional body, regulator, educator, awarding body and employer. It also aims to ensure we retain our independent status. Essentially, it will make us fit for purpose and fit for the future.

Throughout the pandemic, we adapted with agility and speed, embracing challenges and grasping opportunities. We pivoted quickly to deliver online training and support for our students. We adapted our delivery model to ensure we were there for our members. And we embraced remote and hybrid working to enable our colleagues to deliver.

Then, as we moved to the ‘new normal’ we took time to reflect on what, where and how we evolved. We wanted ICAS and our members to remain relevant, to be equipped to succeed, to add value, and be leaders of the debate on the issues that matter. All that in an increasingly competitive market.

As an organisation founded in 1854, we have a strong heritage and a commitment to uphold the principles upon which we were granted our Royal Charter. But our world is changing. The ways in which we regulate, and are regulated ourselves, are continually adapting. Increasing digitisation, technological advances, globalisation, competition, climate change and the wider sustainability agenda all impact on the way we operate now – and how we’ll operate in the future.

Our CA qualification is still highly regarded, but we know it must be improved if it’s to continue to compete effectively. Our members are, quite rightly, demanding more for their subscription, and we must face into that challenge if we’re to remain relevant and valued. We have firm foundations in the education of CAs, regulating practices and practitioners, providing member services and an unwavering duty to act in the public interest. But there are challenges to our market share, and we must adapt to remain competitive.

And that’s where the new strategy comes in. Over the last twelve months, ICAS Council and the Executive Team have been developing a plan that will create a step-change. It’s a roadmap to deliver an exciting and ambitious future for ICAS. We’ll use insight and data to drive our decision making and set robust KPIs to keep us focused on delivery.