Who is eligible for support?
We offer support to past and present members of ICAS, as well as CA students in training. Assistance is open to those living in the UK or overseas, and is extended to those on sick leave, a career break or who are retired. We can also support dependents – who we define as a spouse, civil partner, widow or widower, an adult dependent and children under 25.
How confidential is ICAS Cares?
ICAS Cares is an independent charity. Anything you share with us remains confidential unless you want us to share information with a third-party organisation, or there is a risk of harm. Membership, student status or connection will be checked with ICAS, but no other information is shared with ICAS without your consent.
Is an application for financial support means tested?
If you need financial support, we conduct a means test and consider household income, expenditure, capital and assets. Financial support extending beyond 12 months is subject to annual review.
How long does it take to process my application?
Our Charity Manager or Outreach Coordinator will be in contact within five days of receiving an enquiry or completed application form. Most applications are considered at the next quarterly meeting of the ICAS Cares Board. In emergency situations where there is an urgent need for support, a limited financial award can be approved between board meetings.
What sort of financial help can I expect?
The board aims to provide the most appropriate type of financial support to help you resolve a certain situation. This includes short-term emergency funding, as well as one-off grants to help pay for things like home adaptations, specialised equipment or therapy, funeral or moving costs, rent arrears, counselling and re-training support. Where necessary, we can also provide ongoing financial support until your circumstances improve. Income grants are awarded on the condition that you access all the benefits you are entitled to and inform ICAS Cares of any change in circumstances.
Can I apply for support to pay my ICAS annual membership fee?
No, ICAS Cares is separate from ICAS. The Institute can consider an application for reduction when income is below a recognised threshold or there are exceptional circumstances. A special waiver may also be available where there is ill health or severe hardship. Applications should be made directly to ICAS.
Are there things you do not support?
Each case is considered on its own merits and the board is flexible in how it provides support to address the need presented. Generally, non-priority debts, private medical care or education, fines and legal fees are not eligible for support.
Can I contact ICAS Cares for non-financial support?
Yes, please do. Sharing a problem with someone else can sometimes make things easier. Our team are there to listen and understand your situation, and then help you explore and identify solutions. They can also direct you to the appropriate third-party organisations that can provide the advice and support you need and help you access it, if necessary.
ICAS Cares is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) regulated by the Scottish
Charity Regulator (OSCR), Scottish Charity number: SC052865