ICAS Social Media Policy
ICAS has created this Social Media Policy for ICAS members, Student members, members of Council, Public Interest Members, lay members of Boards and Committees and any other parties connected with ICAS. For the purposes of this policy such individuals are referred to as “Social Media Users”.
The policy sets out what Social Media Users should consider when using any social media platform, such as Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn etc, for any purpose, including messaging, posting, blogging, joining forums (including CA Connect) or creating an interactive presence.
Social media can benefit Social Media Users by enabling them to engage with each other on topical issues and establish and enhance their professional networks. There are, however, some basic principles which should be kept in mind when using social media.
First and foremost, the fundamental principles of the ICAS Code of Ethics (integrity; objectivity; professional competence and due care; confidentiality; and professional behaviour) apply to all Social Media Users.
When posting or responding to material on social media, the following apply:
- Social Media Users may refer to their CA status but must clearly brand their posts as personal and not representative of the views of ICAS.
- Social Media Users should be mindful of the impact their activities might make to perceptions of ICAS as an organisation or the accountancy profession in general.
- Confidential or commercially sensitive information should not be disclosed without appropriate authorisation. This includes confidential information about ICAS strategy, business plans, commercial relationships or internal operations, which a Social Media User may hold through a role with ICAS.
- Social Media Users should be transparent about their identity and any association they may have with ICAS.
- Social media posts that name individuals must be respectful and must not contain actual or potentially abusive, offensive, discriminatory, defamatory or disparaging remarks. All social media activity should be professional and courteous.
- Social Media Users must not upload, post, forward or post a link to any obscene, discriminatory, harassing, derogatory or disparaging content.
- Content belonging to a third party must not be uploaded, posted or forwarded without that third party’s consent, with intellectual property and copyright laws adhered to at all times.
- The ICAS logo may only be used on social media posts with the express consent of ICAS
- Social Media Users are personally responsible for content they publish into social media platforms and be mindful that once posted, they cannot control how it is used or shared.
- Social Media Users should be mindful that the fundamental ethics principles apply in both professional and personal capacities. On that basis, the terms of this policy apply equally when social media is used in a strictly personal capacity.
- Any failure to act in accordance with terms of this policy could lead to a disciplinary investigation under ICAS’ Rules and Regulations.