News in Finance + Sustainability
Driving the sustainability agenda
Discover the President of Accountancy Europe's views on harmonising sustainability reporting.
Sustainability standards in the profession
Find out more about Carol Adams CA's extensive career, advocating for universal standards for measuring and reporting sustainability performance.
Patagonia: Environmental corporate leadership
Discover more about how Patagonia, the company that made Earth its only shareholder, and the impact this move will have on CAs.
Four lessons on sustainability reporting
Key takeaways from ISAR on the topic of sustainability reporting.
Addressing the energy crisis
Meet three CAs attempting to find their way through the energy crisis to a cleaner, greener future.
ICAS responds to ISSB exposure drafts
In this article James Barbour CA highlights the FRC’s guidance for listed companies on how to run an effective AGM.
Finance + Sustainability: How CAs can help build a sustainable future
Kumi Naidoo shares his insights on building a sustainable society
Finance + Sustainability: Five sustainable business lessons
5 tips for a sustainable business
Sustainability as an accountant
The topic of sustainability has become mainstream and there is increasing pressure on businesses to measure and report their impact on the environment.
Most sustainable cities
UK cities feature on most sustainable list
Finance + Sustainability: Creating a sustainable paradise
Portia Hart on creating a sustainable business
Finance + Sustainability: The Platinum Jubilee and sustainability
ICAS CEO on sustainability challenges in the Platinum Jubilee year
New ICAS insight series focuses on Finance + Sustainability
Discover more about Finance + Sustainability, a theme for ICAS throughout June
Sustainability assurance
Report on factors to consider in relation to sustainability assurance
Sustainable energy and the fuel mix
Learn about how consumers can ascertain the electricity that comes from sustainable green sources.
Carbon offsets
Learn about the use of carbon offsets as a means of achieving net zero carbon emissions.
IFRS Foundation and GRI agree MoU
We highlight the announcement that the IFRS Foundation and GRI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
Accounting bodies unite on nature
Learn about the call to action issued by the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA) in response to the nature crisis.
High-quality sustainability reports
A new report from ICAS sets out the necessary conditions for the reporting of high-quality sustainability information.
Auditing climate disclosures
We highlight new FRC Staff Guidance, Auditor responsibilities under ISA (UK) 720 on climate-related reporting.