News in Pensions
The Pensions Dashboard: 3 key risks
"The challenges pension providers face in supporting the pensions dashboard are immense. As part of ICAS’ Challenging Conversation about pensions, Liz Duffy highlights three key challenges they face."
A new dawn for pensions
The first question that ICAS raised as part of its Challenging Conversation on pensions asks how politicians can help restore trust in UK pensions. Stephanie Hawthorne asked pension experts for their views.
Will DB pension consolidation work?
"Many defined benefit pension schemes are facing significant funding challenges, in large part due to low interest rates and increases in longevity. Could consolidation be the answer? David Davison takes us through the options and highlights the benefits and considerations as part of our Challenging Conversation on pensions."
Restoring trust in UK pensions
"As part of its Challenging Conversation on pensions, ICAS is calling for a change in approach to pension policy-making by current and future UK Governments."
Five questions on pensions
"As part of ICAS’ Challenging Conversations thought-leadership initiative, Christine Scott considers five key questions about the future of pension provision in the UK."
The pensions time bomb
Sir Brian Souter believes in rewarding loyal employees with a decent pension – but to ensure this happens current trends need to be revised
DB funding: What’s the solution?
Liz Duffy provides an update on the PLSA’s DB Taskforce
New FRC guidance for pension auditors poses challenges
The ICAS Pensions Panel has responded to the consultation draft highlighting two key areas where further work is needed.
Changes to s75 employer debt rules
ICAS welcomes UK Government plans to introduce a further easement to the employer debt rules for employers participating in multi-employer schemes.
Pensions: learning from BHS
In its response to the ‘Sustainability in defined benefit pension schemes’ Green Paper, ICAS has cautioned that any extension of TPR’s powers must be made without damaging the competitiveness of UK business.
Good pension outcomes: Part two
What can the UK learn about pension reform from other countries?
What is the pensions dashboard?
Liz Duffy sets out the UK Government’s vision for the pensions dashboard and the story so far.
The pensions dashboard
Liz Duffy explores the enormous challenges likely to be encountered in the delivery of the pensions dashboard.
Good pension outcomes: Part one
Could the UK could learn from pension reforms which have taken place elsewhere?
Implementation of the new UK GAAP in the private sector
Standards and guidance applicable to Pension Scheme accounts prepared under FRS 102 sign-posted by the ICAS Pensions Committee.
Pensions scheme accounts: essential update
Christine Scott highlights some further changes to the accounts requirements for occupational trust-based pension schemes.
Pension schemes: Helping your clients
Christine Scott outlines how advisers can help their clients choose the right pension scheme.