News in Members
Insolvency technical update - May 2016
A round-up of recent developments in insolvency
Accountants who made history
Eleanor O'Neill takes a look at some of the accountants who made history and helped shape the world we know today.
Implementation of the new UK GAAP in the private sector
Standards and guidance applicable to Pension Scheme accounts prepared under FRS 102 sign-posted by the ICAS Pensions Committee.
OSCR clarifies position on early adoption of Charities SORP Update Bulletin 1
Scottish charities preparing accounts under FRS 102 must include a statement of cash flows.
Insolvency Technical Update - April 2016
A round-up of recent developments in insolvency.
Updated guidance on trading subsidiaries of charities
"The Charity Commission, HMRC and ICAEW have published revised guidance relating to the trading subsidiaries of charities and tax."
Insolvency Technical Update - March 2016
Voluntary opportunities for members at ICAS
voluntary opportunities, icas, members, institute
OSCR targeted regulation
Learn more about targeted regulation from the charity regulator OSCR.
Pensions scheme accounts: essential update
Christine Scott highlights some further changes to the accounts requirements for occupational trust-based pension schemes.
PII for liquidator appointments in Ireland
Find out what the new PII requirements are for those wishing to act as a liquidator in Ireland.
Five ways to motivate your employees
Find out how to keep your employees motivated in 2016 with these five great tips.
Video: Top tips for leadership
In this video experienced business leaders share their tips for effective leadership.
Career development 'key to staff retention'
Research shows that career development is more important than big salaries when it comes to retaining top performers.
Interview: Ally Macindoe, The British Council
Ally Macindoe CA Finance Director, MENA at the British Council talks about her career.
Pension schemes: Helping your clients
Christine Scott outlines how advisers can help their clients choose the right pension scheme.
Top tips for your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn is a key tool to develop a credible online presence. Find out how to use it to your advantage.
ICAS in partnership redundancy support
ICAS has joined the Scottish Government’s PACE initiative, which helps individuals and employers when facing redundancy.
Internal audit as career changer
Neil Machray, Chief Internal Auditor at Aegon, shares his advice for recently qualified CAs with an interest in audit, and discusses how he started out in his career.
Tax: Don't become a cobbler's bairn