News in Members
Insolvency technical update: November
Insolvency technical update – your round-up of recent developments in insolvency.
News on three HMRC Forums
Find out what happens at three HMRC forums which are co-chaired by ICAS.
CIS update
Learn about the latest reforms to the construction industry scheme following HMRC’s recent consultation exercise.
VAT: Holding company’s services
Jan Garioch CA discusses a recent case, where the FTT has to consider practices in the mineral exploration and mining industry.
Working away from home taxing travel
Working away from home. Avoiding the tax trap of long-stay accommodation. Careful choice of location can maximise reliefs.
Alice Deakin: Learning curve
Nick Scott chats to Alice Deakin CA, ICAS’ newly appointed Executive Director of Learning, on the future of learning.
Alex Sieroczuk CA: Life in Iceland
Alex Sieroczuk CA, Chief Accountant at Elja, tells Rachel Ingram about moving from Jersey to Reykjavík in pursuit of a better life.
Life through a lens
Sally Reid CA tells Ryan Herman how a mixture of specialism and diversification keeps the Japanese company’s picture perfect.
Empowering tomorrow’s leaders
Sean McGrath CA, FD of Entrepreneurial Scotland, on empowering tomorrow’s leaders.
6 steps to staying agile in 2021
ICAS President Catherine Burnet CA outlines how rethinking the lessons of the pandemic will help CAs boost the fledgling recovery
The future of food
What does the collision of Covid, climate change and Brexit mean for the food industry? Christian Koch speaks to leading CAs in the sector.
Lord Bilimoria: From Cobra to CBI
Drinks entrepreneur Lord Bilimoria on why the CBI should champion SMEs as well as the FTSE 100.
Lord O’Neill on regional inequality
How the pandemic has begun redrawing the UK’s map of regional inequality and why now is the time to take bold action.
CA magazine: December/January
Our December 2020 and January 2021 CA magazine is now live.
On the lookout
Harry Young at Rutherford Cross, discusses how to search for a new job in a new world.
Finance professionals in pharma
ICAS Deputy President Bruce Pritchard CA and Sophie Baillie CA discuss how the life sciences sector has evolved.
Property, it’s not a facade
VAT zero-rating and property is a maze of subtle distinctions. Find out how one word cost a home builder £20,000
Tax relief for everyday expense
When can expenses common to humanity be tax deductible? Food, drink, medical costs, and gym subs as business costs.
Fraud: Taxpayers liability?
Jan Garioch CA discusses a recent case, Revive Corporation Ltd v HMRC, and its outcomes.
Virtual Christmas parties
Discover more about how holding a virtual Christmas party can be exempt from tax.