News in Members
CAs essential to future of business
Accountants are essential for finding solutions to questions on the future of business in 2022 says Bruce Pritchard CA.
Avoiding digital inequality
Digitalisation must not happen at the expense of accessibility and equality, says Baroness Lane Fox.
Plugging the intangibles gap
Learn more about new ICAS-funded research that identified the need for mandatory reporting of intangibles.
ICAS comments on FCA debt proposals
ICAS comments on the FCA’s proposed ban on debt packager firms from being paid to refer customers on to other firms.
Tax avoidance – your help is sought
HMRC has asked the professional bodies to help disseminate its latest information drive amongst workers who may unwittingly end up participating in tax avoidance schemes.
Paradise - lost
Find out what happened in the latest IR35 tax case, which concerns itself with a Sky TV presenter.
Developments in Audit 2021
Learn some of the key insights from the FRC’s latest edition of Developments in Audit.
Alastair Campbell on mental wellbeing
Alastair Campbell called on CAs to use their influence to put mental wellbeing at the heart of business.
Support Edinburgh Tax Clinic
The recently opened Tax Clinic at Edinburgh Law School is looking for CAs to volunteer their time.
Stop patching the gaps – rewrite TMA
The Finance Bill applies another sticking plaster to patch up the Taxes Management Act but what is needed is a rewrite.
Discovery powers rediscovered
HMRC’s discovery powers were restricted by the Upper Tribunal – but reinstated by the Finance Bill.
VAT: Supplying staff or medical services?
Jan Garioch CA discusses the Upper Tribunal case Mainpay Ltd v HMRC
EC audit consultation
We highlight the European Commission’s consultation on the three pillars of corporate reporting.
An update from HMRC
A communication for ICAS Members from HMRC.
Sir David Tweedie CA: ‘Give back and change a life’
Sir David Tweedie CA on the value of giving to the ICAS Foundation
The Global Accounting Alliance and tax
Find out about the GAA tax work and attend an upcoming GAA tax webinar.
R&D tax advice
Who should advise on Research and Development (R&D) tax claims?
UK pensions and net zero
COP26: What now for pension schemes and financial institutions as they journey to net zero?
A Scottish Framework for Tax
Find out what ICAS had to say in its response to the Scottish Government consultation – A Framework for Tax.
Episode 15: Carole Pyke
Carole Pyke shares her advice on what goes into making an authentic and successful personal brand.