Introducing ICAS Foundation
ICAS Foundation is a charity that helps to ensure that accountancy is a profession open to all. Learn more about its work and how you can get involved.
Did you know that ICAS has two charities, ICAS Cares and ICAS Foundation?
Launched in 2012, ICAS Foundation is a charity registered in Scotland which supports academically talented young people facing economic and social barriers to further education, helping them to gain a degree in accountancy and finance.
You know from personal experience just how much hard work it takes to complete your training, pass your exams and qualify as a Chartered Accountant.
Yet sadly, for many young people, talent and hard work are not enough to fulfil their potential. All too often, academically talented young people find that they are unable to overcome prohibitive financial circumstances and realise their career ambitions.
That’s where ICAS Foundation comes in. By providing financial and mentoring support, they help to level the playing field for students who will hopefully one day be able to stand alongside you as a qualified CA and Member of ICAS.
Mentor with ICAS Foundation
Along with providing financial support, ICAS Foundation also runs a mentoring scheme and offers internships that add important skills and experience.
As a qualified CA you can now get involved with the Foundation and help make a difference to the next generation of finance professionals.
Volunteering to mentor with the Foundation can deliver a whole range of benefits. Not only will you have the pride and satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped and inspired a young person to follow in your footsteps, you’ll also be developing your own leadership and communication skills.
Learn more about ICAS Foundation
ICAS Foundation: Helping to make a profession open to all
ICAS Foundation offers help in the form of bursaries and grants to students from less advantaged communities, helping to make sure that accountancy is a profession that is open to all.
ICAS Foundation: A friend indeed
Meet three accountancy students to hear about their experiences during lockdown and what ICAS Foundation did to support them.
Heads up
Student Kian Hart met Darren Robertson CA through ICAS Foundation’s mentoring scheme. They discuss how the programme has proved mutually enriching.