Where are we now? Find out how far the ICAS Well Together participants had travelled up until 7 March 2021
Get the latest update on the progress of our virtual wellbeing journey around the world, find out how far we have left to go and how you can get involved.
With more and more ICAS Members taking part it should be no surprise to learn that the Well Together participants have clocked up our highest two-week total distance. Through all their walks, runs, jogs, strolls and cycles they've combined to cover an amazing additional 10,803km.
And remember that each and every kilometre covered represents an individual CA taking time out away from their work, stresses and screens to get some exercise, some fresh air and give a little boost to their wellbeing.
How far have we travelled together?
In total the journey has covered more than enough kilometres in just eight weeks to take us (approximately, give or take a country of two) from our starting point at CA House in Edinburgh all the way to Guatemala.
32,290km - the total distance covered by all six ICAS Strava Clubs up until Sunday 7 March 2021.
How far do we have left to go?
7,785km - the distance remaining for us to get all the way around the world. Together we can do it!
Where are we now?
Here are some of the places we've virtually travelled through recently:
» Sydney, Australia – The capital city of the state of New South Wales, Sydney has a network of more than 250 ICAS CAs. The network is Chaired by David Ronald CA, Partner at PwC. CA magazine recently caught up with David for a feature article about the ICAS International community Chairs.
In Sydney you might also meet Bradley Delamare CA, CEO of Tank Stream Labs, featured on the 2019 ICAS Top 100 CAs list, as profiled in CA magazine.
» Melbourne, Australia – Head down to Melbourne and you might be best to bring your bike if you want to catch up with ICAS Member Jim McDonald CA. The Executive Finance for Investments and Strategy & Innovation at National Australia Bank, Jim is one of the many Well Together participants who have been clocking up the kilometres on our global wellbeing journey. Here he tells us about his favourite places to exercise and about what inspires him to get outdoors and keep active.
» New Zealand – Did you know that ICAS Members wishing to work in New Zealand can access local support and value-added services via the GAA Passport Programme?
» Wellington, New Zealand – Wellington is home to Ryan Kemlo CA, Assistant Manager at KPMG New Zealand. One of our 2019 Top 100 Young CAs, Ryan was recognised for his passion for change and self-development.
» Australia and New Zealand – Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, otherwise known as CAANZ, is the professional membership body for over 100,000 Chartered Accountants based in Australia and New Zealand. Along with ICAS, CAANZ is one of the 14 world-leading institutes of Chartered Accountants that make up Chartered Accountants Worldwide, representing over 750,000 global CAs.
» Sao Paulo, Brazil – One of the world's most populous cities, Sao Paulo is home to Mark Spears CA, GrupoFabri CEO. He recently caught up with CA magazine to talk about life in South America and how moving to Brazil helped to make his career dream a reality.
» Guatemala – This South American republic is where ICAS Member Agnes Kidd CA was when CA magazine caught up with her for an interview in 2020. Agnes was stationed there as a volunteer with the MAR Fund – an organisation that's aiming to drive regional funding and partnerships for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the Mesoamerican Reef.
Join the journey
Join our collective wellbeing journey where ICAS Members and Students of all fitness levels combine their local efforts for a virtual trip around the world.
Give something back
Our fundraising option means that you can choose to raise cash for a good cause along the way. We’ve partnered with two charities, the ICAS Foundation, which supports academically talented young people from disadvantaged communities into university, and SCABA, the Scottish Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association.
Why not donate the money you're currently saving in not being able to pay a gym membership?
Get inspired
Well Together participant Shona Campbell CA shares her ideas, insights and inspiration for getting outdoors and staying active.
Share, encourage and inspire
If you've already joined the journey, remember that you can encourage and inspire your fellow CAs by sharing your hints and tips for keeping active, and photos of everything from small first steps to marathon efforts. Just pick your favourite channel and use the hashtag #ICASWellTogether.