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Becoming an ICAS member
Joining ICAS as a CA is an extraordinary achievement, and we offer various routes to getting there.
Why become a CA
Learn why becoming a Chartered Accountant will lead to an extraordinary and rewarding career in business and beyond.
CA stories
Young Chartered Accountants reveal why they chose to study with ICAS and what makes them proud to be CAs.
Trust deed changes
Read about changes to requirements for protected trust deeds which will come into effect on 20 January 2025.
Director misfeasance
Read about a Scottish Court’s decision to allow a misfeasance claim to proceed based on directors failing to deliver books and records.
Furnished holiday lettings abolition update
Read about the latest information on the abolition of the furnished holiday lettings tax rules.
Basis period reform deadline
Read about the latest developments on basis period reform for unincorporated businesses, including the deadline for requesting information on overlap profits from HMRC.