Learning redefined
Extending the qualification clock for 2024
We're giving students whose qualification clock has expired until 31 December 2024 to complete the CA qualification.
New course workshops
Interactive tutor-led workshops are a key feature of our refreshed syllabus.
ICAS rule updates
ICAS rule updates to give you greater control and flexibility
Discover our logbook quality review process
Find out about our new Relevant Practical Experience logbook quality monitoring reviews.
A future-fit CA syllabus
Learn more about our refreshed and future-fit CA syllabus.
Our new assessment results portal
Students can now view their assessment results in Advantage, the home for everything they need.
Advantage brings new ways to stay updated
Students will now get most of their course and assessment updates as announcements in Advantage.
Discover our new logbook
Find out what’s changed for you and your students and what to do next.
Our unrivalled student experience
Create ethical leaders of the future with our innovative chartered accountancy training.
Switching students to our new logbook
Find out how students will switch and how they can apply to remain on the current system.
New student registration process
From 5 June student registration will use a new automated process.
Introducing Advantage
Our virtual learning environment myCABLE is changing to Advantage.
Our new RPE competencies
Learn more about our new logbook competencies and how these map to the current process.
Summarising our syllabus changes
Discover the main changes in comparison to the current syllabus.
Our new terms delivery model
Discover our new, flexible terms-based syllabus delivery model.