ICAS Discipline Board – composition and current members
Here you can meet the various members of the Discipline Board, learn about their roles and the appointment process.
The membership of the Discipline Board places strong emphasis on the public interest, whilst also ensuring representation of the profession.
The General Regulations provide that the Discipline Board is made up of the following:
- A Chair.
- At least one ICAS Member.
- At least one Lay Member (a non-accountant who is not a Council member).
- The Executive Director of Standards.
Role of Discipline Board members
As set out above, the Discipline Board is comprised of a range of individuals, including accountants and non-accountants. With the exception of the Chair, ICAS’ Regulations do not provide distinct roles or responsibilities for Discipline Board members, with all members expected to:
- Engage in setting and delivering the Discipline Board’s objectives.
- Provide robust oversight and challenge to ICAS’ disciplinary activities.
- Hold the Executive Team to account, wherever appropriate.
- Deliver effective influence in the public interest.
Individuals are appointed to the Discipline Board by ICAS’ Nominations Committee (with the exception of the Executive Director of Standards, who sits on the Discipline Board by virtue of his or her employment in that role).
Appointments to the Discipline Board are for an initial period of three years, which may be extended for a second term of three years.
The Regulations include a list of individuals who cannot sit on the Discipline Board, including members of the ICAS Council, Regulation Board, and individuals who sit on Discipline or Appeal Tribunals.
Current members
The Discipline Board is currently formed of the following individuals:
Peter Anderson
Date of appointment: March 2023
A to G
John Anderson
Lay Member
(Non Member)
Date of appointment: September 2019
Liam Boyle
CA Member
Date of Appointment: December 2020
Andrew Jones
Lay Member
(Non Member)
Date of appointment: December 2019
H to R
Robert Mudge
Director of Regulation
Date of Appointment: June 2022
Claire Probert
Date of Appointment: December 2022